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Bibliographic Aids for MyPaipoBoards Research

The bibliography is managed with the assistance of
WorldCat; CiteThis and BibItNow! (Firefox Extensions); and, Zotero.

Notes on Making Bibliographical Citations (APA and CMOS)

EasyBib: (1) Quick Reference Guide, (2) Understanding APA, (3) Web Sources, and (4) Paranthetical Citations. [PDF files].

LIU-C.W. Post Campus:  APA  |  U. of Ill. - Chicago  | - APA  | Berkeley | Purdue: APA - Chicago | U. of Wis: multiple

List of Style Manuals (with Examples) by Hacker & Fister, Bedford/St. Martin's

Citation Generators:  Citation Machine | CiteFast | KnightCite | SourceAid (w/annotation feature) | CiteThisForMe
KnightCite has a handy format for magazine editorials, letters to editor, etc. no longer recommends EasyBib for non-profit low cost work as it has gone commercial
and no longer generates several citation formats without a fee.

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Last updated on: 11/16/18