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Paipos in the Media: Brochures
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Dick Pearce Surfboards, ca. 1970
Brochure images courtesy of Alex Williams, as posted on Vintage Bellyboarding on Facebook.

The History of Dick Pearce Bellyboards 

Dick Pearce is one of Charles Pearce's sons. Dick took over the business upon the death of his father.

Takeaways: In the UK origins of surfing, bellyboarding was called surfing or surf-riding and the bellyboards were called surfboards. Today, in the world of paipo and bellyboard surfing we refer to these boards and style of surfriding as UK-style paipo/bellyboard surfing.

El Paipo, ca. 1971
This brochure represents the transition period for the El Paipo company as it moves from prone riding bellyboards, or paipos, to kneeriding on kneeboards. There is also a "devolution board" for "bodysurfing" which resembles a paipo as much as a handboard bodysurfing (although body surfing purists might say, "That is NOT bodysurfing!).

Clicking on the image opens up a PDF file.

Many thanks to Bill Baldwin for this contribution. Bill worked for Bud Hulst, the owner and founder of El Paipo, and managed the El Paipo shop. "We set up a glass shop and farmed shaping out to various shapers including Dale Velzy." He worked at the shop during 1970-1972.

Paipo Nui Order Form
The Paipo Nui is a "body-planing board" designed by John Waidlich using a delta wing design concept. The Paipo Nui was one of the earliest commercial paipo boards intended for surfriding in larger waves.

Feel free to send me suggestions for additions to: The Paipo Brochures.

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Last updated on: 07/17/20