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Hybridz Kneeboard

Loosely based on George Greenough's 60's "VELO" kneeboard.

0" x 22" x 12" x 60"
Chines - 45 degrees
Rails - 7 degrees
Stringer - twin 7/8" graphite tubes
Weight - 6lbs 7ozs
Rocker - flat (nose lift only)
Arcel core
Surlyn slick bottom
PE skin deck & rails
O'Fish'L fin system
Shaped with heat, pressure and decades of softboard knowledge!

Here's a video clip of Paul Duquet (6'4", 225#) kneeboarding headhigh Wilderness, PR, 2/19/99
Paul's riding the 5' soft rounded pintail kneeboard that's shown above.
It's a 690k file in AVI format and lasts about 11 seconds.
See the movie!

Here's another video clip of Paul Duquet riding his softy.
It's a 565k file in AVI format and lasts about 9 seconds.
See the movie!


This page was reproduced by permission of Rob DiStefano.

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Last updated on: 04/10/10